A great and productive time was had by all! Two groups of eager, talented educators traveled to Querétaro, Mexico to learn or relearn the Spanish language. The third small group included a business person! Along the way, they made wonderful friends and colleagues, and were embraced by local Mexican families.
Laveen Elementary School District Superintendent Bill Johnson and his wife Ravae hosted the first group that included Laveen district educators as well as others from Littleton and Pendergast Elemenatary School Districts. Immediately upon arriving, they were treated to cultural performances of dance and music in one of the beautiful plazas.
Sue Pederson, chief academic officer at Creighton Elementary School District, shepherded the next group that included educators from Avondale and Creighton Elementary School Districts, as well as former president of Arizona School Boards Association, Kathy Knecht who went on to become a candidate for the Arizona State Senate!
The first two sessions had a chance to visit a local, private school. This is a parochial school that focuses on children of the poor. Several of our Alumnos expressed interest in teaching a lesson or two in partnership with local teachers. Could this be an addition for next summer? We're checking out that possibility!

Two adult learners joined us as the third group. Michelle Bolton from Cox Communications, took a break from her crazy busy schedule to really improve her Spanish and she was joined by Kelly, a young woman from Colorado!
Each group experienced several Spanish language classes that included grammar, conversation and games. Each group took a day trip to Guanajuato, a nearby town with important links to the history of the Mexican Revolution. They visited a silver mine and toured this beautiful center for the arts and culture.
The art and music of Mexico, the loving host families, building upon the magic of language and how just a few words opens doors of friendship…. All are part of the Los Alumnos Academy. It’s heartening to us to hear the remarks of the debrief that run from “This is an experience of a lifetime” to “I have the confidence now to speak Spanish with the parents of my students.”
Thank you all, for trusting us! And thank YOU Olé Center for Language and Culture for being such a willing partner!
Thank you all, for trusting us! And thank YOU Olé Center for Language and Culture for being such a willing partner!