Gracias a Diós! Last year, the world opened up to allow travel! We had a great trip in 2022 and then returned to Querétaro in 2023 with a group of educators.. and one 8th grade student!
Staff at Olé had re-evaluated the course offerings and developed additional hands-on activities that were fun and provided a way to apply language learning. From the classroom to the mercado to learning new and old dances to a cooking competition to museum and special site seeing, students had many opportunities to interact with local teachers, elemenatry school students, and each other. |
They visited many local sites, important in the history of Mexico and the Mexican Revolution.
They took an awesome excursion to the Pyramids of Teotihuacán and learned about the Aztecs.
They learned Mexican dancing, from folkloric dance to the dances of today's Mexican dance floor. Someone even wrote a love song to Querétaro!

The most important activity? Spanish class! In classes of no more than 5 students, they studied Spanish, each at his/her own level.
What a great two weeks! A lot of learning about culture and language!
What a great two weeks! A lot of learning about culture and language!